It's actually in studio city, of course, but to keep it simple.
Lots of food, alcohol, video games, bowling and karaoke.
I feel karaoke remorse since I didn't sing when I should've for the fun of it.
Not a singer. . . . . I didn't drink alcohol, of course, rarely do so. I know, I'm sooooo boring.
So here's the pics of the night w/my bosses Michael Fotrell, Claudia- his asst, Cynthia- her mom, Sara E. White- UPM - -she did the fabulous movie Iron Man! Paris Wang and lastly THE Justin Lin- director and his cool girlfriend, Alice! Hope I work w/them again. . . . .
Justin and I are super saturated! Hollywooooood way, if u know what I mean. (^_^)
Hollywood stinks sometimes when you're around it, but if you come out for air, you can be twice as strong. My blind optimism hopefully is moving toward fearles