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Some pix from Singapore Tattoo Convention

We just got back from the Singapore Tattoo Convention - the first event of it's kind in these parts, and a really well put together event. There were over 100 artists and suppliers from all over the world  – including legends like Paul Booth, Bob Tyrell and celeb tattoo artist Chris Garver from unreality show Miami Ink. The event was well attended, well organised, informative and a lot of fun. And it was great to hook up with so many artists, enthusiasts and friends - especially all those representing Hong Kong - Gabe, Leon, Joey Pang, Ah Phat, Julia, Ross...

about 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
Palwong 45 palwong
C O O L ~ !
about 16 years ago
13244619 10154160689249104 9129655007072933202 n
walao`~ cool! pretty!!!
about 16 years ago


Yes, it hurts...

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english, cantonese, mandarin
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Hong Kong
Member Since
November 26, 2008