Official Artist
Sio Ng
Director , Graphic Designer , Photographer
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My latest MV!!!

這樣下去(十年後) Walk This Way (Pop Rock Version) MV from Sio on Vimeo.---

Free download of the songs


Music / Lyric / Directed by:Sio

Arrangement:Ginger & Jason @ 100 Plus Music

Vocal:Jun Sun

Cast: Adman, Milk Jun Sun, WHISPER

Special Thanks: Andy Tang, Edmond Choi, Jet Wu, Lacy, WHISPER, Yan, 小秋, 景哥, 多多

Year: 2010

Location: Macau, Hong Kong, Heng Qin

"Walk this way" is a song I composed in the year of Millennium but only got it produced and completed  in 2010, yes this is exactly 10 years of time, now the song is with 2 different versions of lyrics and arrangements that capture the changes of my viewpoints about life and about love in this decade.

The above version is the 2010 Pop Rock Version and I shall make the MV of the 2000 Acoustic Version soon later.

這樣下去 (十年前後)

《這樣下去》從音階跌蕩至完成,整整橫跨十個年頭。儘管這段日子不算長久,我很慶幸有這十年讓我累積人生點滴,用兩個音樂版本去記錄了十年前後我對人生對愛情的看法及改變。十年前的Acoustic版由陳佳主唱,而十年後的Pop Rock版由孫鳳明主唱。




真的很難想像,一個創作,會經歷十年,就是剛好十年。感覺很遠又很近,很熟悉又很陌生。就好像十年前你愛過的一個人,失蹤了,突然回來,站在你面前,跟你說,我們不是約好了的嗎? 十年後見。

over 14 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Photo 56123
Nice Work.....
about 14 years ago
Photo 429830
thanks guys, share it out if you like them =)
about 14 years ago
Photo 80548
about 14 years ago


There is no right or wrong in my world, I never regret. The so-called wrong of this world gives me memorable experiences and valuable understandings, that bring

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