Sio Ng
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《零壹》最後召集創作人 Last crew call of "Infinity"


澳門創作人協會 (澳門‧腦人) 2010年度創作項目《零壹》項目大綱及創作人召募


澳門創作人協會 (澳門.腦人) 自創會以來,每年均舉辦一個大型的年度創作項目:06年創作項目《澳門.聖誕.2005》以錄像方式呈現澳門創作人的處境;07年《未命名的章節》以文字 關注澳門社會環境的變遷;08年《回問》以音樂反映這個時代澳門人的人心;09年《09創出口》赴香港和廣州交流並推廣澳門的創作。

過往 腦人的創作項目均以關心澳門為主題,而我們亦成功將創意作品推廣至海外多個地方,包括香港、中國大陸、台灣、新加坡、馬來西亞、英國、美國等地。因此,在 2010年度創作項目《零壹》裡面,腦人要將主題放大至世界各地我們所需要關心的事情。


活 在當下是快活,能延續到明天是快樂。


不然的話,就變成一種暫時的存在,並不是天長地久的 擁有。



關心「未來」,是我們 的責任。腦人透過本年度創作項目《零壹》*,以澳門為原點出發,將我們思考和關心的話題輸送到世界每個角落,以創作來保護地球,讓世界變得更美好。

這 個創意項目以「未來」為主題,將會由眾多創作人的作品集合而成,各自以不同的創作方式表達對「未來」的所思所想。

在這個項目中,我們將建 立一個「網上創意平台」,把不同形式的創作和創意產品電子化,放到網上創意平台上展示及售賣。藉著無遠弗屆的網絡世界,把多樣化的澳門創作輸送及推廣到世 界各地,讓人們思考和關心「未來」。

*最基本的電腦語言是「0」和「1」,由此可以無限放大,正如本項目的理念:由網路開始,無限伸展, 延續未來。


此本項目將以嶄新形式 -「網上創意平台」推出。

為響應環保,將於網路拓展 澳門文化創意產業,推廣至世界其它地方。

本項目之創作內容均以數碼化 / 電子版的形式推出。

所有創作於「網上創意平台」均可流灠、試閱 和選購。

每個創作可被單獨 /合併選購。


腦人現正召募創作人共同創作。《零壹》是一個讓你展 示才華的創作平台,腦人會把你的作品帶出澳門,走向世界不同的地方。這裡有很多奇形怪狀但善良的人,現邀請你與我們一起同行。

有興趣參與 創作(音樂、文字、美術、錄像等)的朋友,請於2010年2月25日前,電郵聯絡該範疇的監製,將你過往的作品、本次想要做的創作內容簡介提交給我們。該 範疇監製會向你解答問題, 以及聯絡你參與初次會議了解更多詳情。

音樂製 作:Mark(marklam_mo@yahoo.com.hk


美術設 計:藍(bluebiedog@gmail.com


其他非創作崗 位:Sio(i.am.sio@mac.com


我們可能不是最好,但一定做得 好。歡迎各位有心人加入我們的創作團隊。


﹣《零壹》內之所有創作,有關行政、製作、宣傳、發 佈等資源由本會負責


﹣你的創作有機會延伸至其他作品,例如歌曲變 成音樂錄像、漫畫變成動畫




腦 人過往項目


《未命名的章節》 http://uchapters.com/


《澳 門聖誕2005》http://macau-creatives.org/xmas

網站: http://www.macau-creatives.org

電郵: info@macau-creatives.org

電話: (853) 6689-0837 / (853) 6689-7519

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INFINITY Project Outline and Crew Recruit - 2010 Annual Creative Project by Associação dos Criadores de Macau (macau.creatives)


Associação dos Criadores de Macau (macau.creatives) produced various creative projects since its foundation. In 2006, an independent short film "macau.xmas.2005" was produced to look at the situation and obstacles of being a creative in Macau; in 2007, a book "Untitled Chapters" was published to capture the vanishing mood of Macau; in 2008, a CD/DVD music compilation "Inside Out" was released to reflect the changes of the Macau people; in 2009, under the name of "Sing It Out 09", a series of networking events were hold in HK and Guangzhou to showcase the achievements of the Macau creatives.

All past projects produced by macau.creatives were focusing at Macau, and we have been successfully promoting our creative products to various places overseas, inc. HK, Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, UK and US etc. As a result, we decided to extend our concerns in 2010, and we will pay attention to worldwide affairs in our INFINITY project.


Living the moment is pleasure. Extending the moment to the future is happiness. Macau is definitely a city of happiness but don't forget that happiness needs to be cherished. Otherwise, it'd merely be short-lived indulgence. Take for example, when we are tasting tuna fish, who would be aware of the fact that this is going to push them faster to extinction? Therefore, take a moment to think -- Is our instant gratification compromising our future?

It is our responsibility to care about our future. * uses Macau as the base and carries our environmental concerns to every corner of this world. Use creativity to protect our Earth and make the world a better place.

The main theme of this project is FUTURE. It will be a collaboration of local Macau artists, expressing their meanings of FUTURE through various creative channels and products.

This project will be hosted on an "online creative platform." All artworks and productions will be digitized and uploaded to the platform for sale and display. Through the global network of the Internet, our works will be able to reach out to people from other parts of the world.

*The use of binary number system's "0" and "1" represents an idea that the computing technology has played a vital role in our daily lives. It provides us infinite possibilities to live our dream, and to dream our future.

Release format:

Launch in a brand new format -- an "online creative platform."

In response to environmental protection, macau.creatives will be promoting our creative industry via the Internet.

All content in this project will be in digital format.

All creative works will be available for browsing, download and purchase on the "online creative platform."

All creative works can be purchased individually or in compilation.

All interested parties, please contact the responsible person in your category. Send email with your portfolio/past relevant works and a brief description of what you would like to accomplishment in this project before 25 Feb 2010. The person in charge will contact you for the kick off meeting, and answer you any questions in regard to the project.

Music: Mark (marklam_mo@yahoo.com.hk)

Writing: Ping (ping.mc05@yahoo.com.hk)

Art & Design: Blue(bluebiedog@gmail.com

Video: Anew (anew.mo@gmail.com)

Non-creative positions: Sio (i.am.sio@mac.com)

Inquiry No.: Sio (+853 66890837)

Read me:

  • macau.creatives is responsible for all resources in (creativity, admin, production, PR and launching matters).

  • We welcome all independent artists, organizations and any talents interested to join. Our association will do our best to provide assistance.

  • Your creation might turn into a product in a different medium, e.g. A song recreated into MV, comics into animation.

  • macau.creatives will not charge any transaction or admin fee.

  • No creative participants will be remunerated. Both parties work in a voluntary nature.


Past Project by macau.creatives

《Inside Out》http://macau-creatives.org/insideout/

《Untitled Chapters》http://uchapters.com/

《Together》http://macau-creatives.org /together


Web: http://www.macau-creatives.org

Email: info@macau-creatives.org

Telephone: (853) 6689-0837 / (853) 6689-7519

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There is no right or wrong in my world, I never regret. The so-called wrong of this world gives me memorable experiences and valuable understandings, that bring


english, cantonese, mandarin
March 31, 2009