man. just flew back from Singapore, and boy, are my arms tired! wah wah.
Was in Singers directing and shooting 6 music videos! But before everyone gives me kudos and tells me how awesome I am, let me just say that it was for a kids program in the local neighborhood schools.
We did some dancing, we did some shooting, we did some singing, and as witnessed in this pic below, sometimes these kids were just plain AMAZING!
Also, it was a good time for a family reunion. It was serendipity in the making and these cats wore me out!
So, now I am back in Hong Kong, and officially, I could go back to LA at any point. But the question is...why would I? keke.
Anyone know of a good sublet? :)
So now I leave you with the unofficial TRAILER for SimonYin's: How to be a kick ass kid in Singapore. Enjoy.