Thank you all for the great support for
When the concept first came up (thanks to Chung), I jokingly said that I wanted 100,000 hits on youtube or else I'd quit! But, in less than a week, that is close to becoming a reality (94,665...but who's counting?).
EDIT: 4:09am - 101,586 views. Shouldn't i be sleeping?????
Here is an account of what happened. The following events happen in real time.
Day 1 Derrick invites everyone over to Chung's house for a Street Fighter 4 release party (unbeknownst to Chung)
Day 2 Chung calls Derrick, "Hey, wouldn't it be cool, if we did a video parody of Street Fighter 4? It would be called WALL STREET FIGHTER 4 and we could have guys in suits fighting each other."
Day 2.5 Derrick calls Simon, excited out of his mind! Simon replies, "Dude, it's 4 in the morning. Call me in the f**cking morning."
Day 3 Writing and Pre-production. This is where the magic happens.
Derrick and I were giggling like school children over all our "financial meltdowns," "credit crunches," and "sonic bloombergs." (t-shirt to come soon!)
Props to Sam Lynn of Acerola Plusfor some funny additions! Office chair hurricane kick....YEAH!
Day 4 Shoot 1 Sheung Wan
That's our own Michael Chan and Boon Kbattling it out! The hardest thing was getting Boon to be mean!
Simon: "NO smiling Boon. You are Sagat. You are tough. You like to tiger uppercut people. Be a professional for god's sake!"
CUT to:
Boon's big infectious smile.
BACK to:
Simon just shaking his head.
Much better!
Also, I had a hard time, keeping Michael from jump kicking me all night!
Day 5
Shoot 2 in Sheung Wan
"YOGA Latte" being born.
Shout out to Rob Lok for the amazing make up work on Blanka aka THE INTERN and Honda aka NIKKEI.
Day 6-10
Post Production - This is where the grunt of the work usually takes place. Derrick was busy on graphics, while I was editing the video.
Wow...I didn't notice it until's like an ad for all the ALIVE caps. REPRESENT!
Also, Derrick and I are like homeless production people. "Why Lie? I need WiFi"
(did anyone get that reference or was that just way too obscure?)
It's definitely been a fun, and crazy journey watching the numbers rise. In fact, we've been featured on NPR, Kotaku, BEST OF THE WEEK on Funnyordie, and the #1 comedy out of Hong Kong on Youtube.
I think this comment sums it up! Not too bad for some "random people."
-Seeing the first round of fighting and hearing Boon do the first "Financial Crisis!" Wow.
-Meeting a group of Japanese tourists who were giggling with delight at Chun Li and M. Bison fighting in the streets of Hong Kong.
-And of course, Derrick being right
-Most people thinking that Shan is a better Chun Li than Kristin Kruek! I second that motion.
Ya tah!
It's been a wonderful and exciting process...that we continue to strive for as we move forward!
My deepest thanks to the CB FRESH/Wall Street Fighter team: Rob, Vince, Derrick, Spencer, Pea, B, Sam, Michael, Boon, Shan, b-boy Matt, Beatrix, Patrick, Stephen, Capcom, the city of Sheung Wan, the glooming economic downfall, and all you guys for watching!
Welcome to the Nikkei, bitches.