Official Artist
Simon Yin
Actor , Director , MC / Show Host
367,906 views| 510  Posts


Thank you all for the great support for WALL STREET FIGHTER 4! 

When the concept first came up (thanks to Chung), I jokingly said that I wanted 100,000 hits on youtube or else I'd quit!  But, in less than a week, that is close to becoming a reality (94,665...but who's counting?). 

EDIT:  4:09am - 101,586 views.  Shouldn't i be sleeping?????

Here is an account of what happened.  The following events happen in real time.

Day 1 Derrick invites everyone over to Chung's house for a Street Fighter 4 release party (unbeknownst to Chung)

Day 2 Chung calls Derrick, "Hey, wouldn't it be cool, if we did a video parody of Street Fighter 4?  It would be called WALL STREET FIGHTER 4 and we could have guys in suits fighting each other."

Day 2.5 Derrick calls Simon, excited out of his mind!  Simon replies, "Dude, it's 4 in the morning.  Call me in the f**cking morning."

Day 3 Writing and Pre-production.  This is where the magic happens.

Derrick and I  were giggling like school children over all our "financial meltdowns," "credit crunches," and "sonic bloombergs."  (t-shirt to come soon!)

Props to Sam Lynn of Acerola Plusfor some funny additions!  Office chair hurricane kick....YEAH!

Day 4 Shoot 1 Sheung Wan

That's our own Michael Chan and Boon Kbattling it out!  The hardest thing was getting Boon to be mean!


Simon:  "NO smiling Boon.  You are Sagat.  You are tough.  You like to tiger uppercut people.  Be a professional for god's sake!"

CUT to:

Boon's big infectious smile.

BACK to: 

Simon just shaking his head.


Much better! 

Also, I had a hard time, keeping Michael from jump kicking me all night!

Day 5

Shoot 2 in Sheung Wan

"YOGA Latte" being born.

Shout out to Rob Lok for the amazing make up work on Blanka aka THE INTERN and Honda aka NIKKEI.

Day 6-10

Post Production - This is where the grunt of the work usually takes place.  Derrick was busy on graphics, while I was editing the video. 

Wow...I didn't notice it until now....it's like an ad for all the ALIVE caps.  REPRESENT!

Also, Derrick and I are like homeless production people. "Why Lie?  I need WiFi"

(did anyone get that reference or was that just way too obscure?)

It's definitely been a fun, and crazy journey watching the numbers rise.  In fact, we've been featured on NPR, Kotaku, BEST OF THE WEEK on Funnyordie, and the #1 comedy out of Hong Kong on Youtube. 

I think this comment sums it up!  Not too bad for some "random people."



-Seeing the first round of fighting and hearing Boon do the first "Financial Crisis!"  Wow.

-Meeting a group of Japanese tourists who were giggling with delight at Chun Li and M. Bison fighting in the streets of Hong Kong.

  • Bitching my ass off, and Derrick feeding me club sandwiches in Mong Kok and telling me, "it's all in the details." 

-And of course, Derrick being right

-Most people thinking that Shan is a better Chun Li than Kristin Kruek!  I second that motion. 

Ya tah!

It's been a wonderful and exciting process...that we continue to strive for as we move forward!

My deepest thanks to the CB FRESH/Wall Street Fighter team:  Rob, Vince, Derrick, Spencer, Pea, B, Sam, Michael, Boon, Shan, b-boy Matt, Beatrix, Patrick, Stephen, Capcom, the city of Sheung Wan, the glooming economic downfall, and all you guys for watching!

Welcome to the Nikkei, bitches.

about 16 years ago 0 likes  16 comments  0 shares
looks cool man !!! if i am in HK ... u ganna count me one !!! :-)
about 16 years ago
Ryanhui 26 ryanhui
Very cool man! I dig the end result.
about 16 years ago
Photo 207899
Congratulations! I really love the video! It's really DOPE! I forwarded it to many of my friends, so I did contribute to the number of hits! haha.. Support CBFresh!!!!!!!!!!
about 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
about 16 years ago
Photo 261052
Great make up man!! Loved seeing Rob putting a sockl on ur face!! Hahaha
about 16 years ago
Photo 261052
Wahaha Niiice!!!
about 16 years ago
Photo 23833
it was so fun making it! i want to see the clip of the japanese tourists!!! hahahah q(~.~)p
about 16 years ago
Photo 55108
the Boon is so darn handsome!
about 16 years ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
is that you simon? cool... HONDA.. hahahahaha
almost 16 years ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
Hi, Simon. I am so happy to have met you last night. You are such a friendly person. I also just found out about your video. Wow... amazing. I love Street Fighters. ^_^ great work. keep up the good work. Hope to see you soon.
almost 16 years ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
she's so sexy... yea baby.
almost 16 years ago


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Member Since
November 8, 2007