Official Artist
Simon Brading
Actor , Producer , Screenwriter
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A great loss to fans of true humour everywhere.

almost 10 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


So, Barcelona Knights became I/Nation. Then I/Nation became MAGNUM OPUS and that is what is going to get to audiences hopefully later on this year!

We are currently shooting the pilot but have made sales already and have BIG offers from worldwide distributors.

Because Magnum Opus is an independent production, fully funded by private investors, we can shoot what we want without a studio or producers telling us what to do or who to cast. We can also create storylines that aren't just aimed at pleasing as many people as we can to...Read more

about 10 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

I thought they were going to do the "Forkandles" sketch but this is just as good.

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Best song ever written in my opinion.

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Magnum Opus. Finally!

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January 28, 2009