Thank you very much to everybody who wished me a happy birthday. An especially big thank you to Kayo (koko930) who sent me a parcel all the way from Osaka with lots of Japanese and AnD goodies in it!
Oh, and special mention to Radwynn who seems to think I'm famous enough to be in her blog! Thank you! [but i think you're jumping the gun a bit! ;-)]
Hostile Takeover series get's under weigh!
Finally things are starting to happen and we hope to start shooting the pilot in a few weeks.
Keep up with all the developments on the official website and as we go along i will (time permitting!) add my own exclusive AnD blogs
It’s been too long in coming because I’ve been so busy and I promise that this is the final instalment, but here we go with the last part in the series on my trip to prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /Japan! prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /
I love going to places where the people are kind and polite. That’s why I liked Canada so much and New York not so much… (sorry guys). Japan is another place I love and not JUST for that ...Read more
Short film shot in the cemetery of Sabadell.Director Adrian Becerra.2nd year group project at ECIB Barcelona.
We planned a very brief stay in prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /Osaka, just one night, before moving on to Nara, Osaka is a city with a very long history, however there isn’t that much to see there! Just the castle, which is a modern replica, a museum and a few temples, however in hindsight I wished we’d had a bit more time there because the ryokan (Yomatoya Honten) was VERY nice compared to what we had in some other places, and right next to Doutonboristreet - a ve...Read more
Because so much happened in prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /Japan I’m going to write episodes of places or days and publish them one by one. I have already posted some pictures and the blogs will explain most of them to a further degree. prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /
So here we go – chapter 1.
Around the base of Mount Fuji are 5 lakes which act as vacation spots f...Read more
Magnum Opus. Finally!