The article about Hong Kong women's water polo is now up on [ CLICK ME ]
Please feel free to contact me or email to if you are interested to have a go at this sport.
A month holiday ended, heading back to London...and plane delays again...why does this happen to me that often?! I hate it, but what can I do? shouting ''Delay No More'' to the cabin crews?! lol
awwwwww I really hate it, especially my plane is in the afternoon...13 hours DAY plane!! ohhh man, where is Doraemon! I want that '' transfer door '' !!!
【明報專訊】「波子王」歐陽若曦(Darryl)去年成為首位出戰保時捷 歐洲超級盃的香港車手,他今年再接再厲挑戰歐洲群雄之餘,亦會「兩棲」突圍,分身重踏亞洲盃賽道為港爭光。
The event went so smooth, got TVB, ATV, Cable, ESPN, and around 10 more newspaper and magazines media came over for the press con.
It was grea...Read more
went to a church near by my house to shoot some pictures for my grad project. ummm I believe in nothing at the moment. bit rude to hang around with a camera while everyone there was being serious attending those ceremonies, and some of them starred at me as well...hmmmm...but something much crazier than all these are coming up...not being offensive to any religions but yea...dont put me to jail or hell....oh yea by the way I did brought my dog there and I had to walk him home before all these ARGH! Read more
these few days were pretty much just plain relax and meeting up my friends and teammates.
and of course, to stay with my baby don't know how much mami misses you when I'm not home...your one of the most important living thing in my life. For all y'all who doesnt know, his name's Wacky by the way...hahaaa
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