【明報專訊】「波子王」歐陽若曦(Darryl)去年成為首位出戰保時捷 歐洲超級盃的香港車手,他今年再接再厲挑戰歐洲群雄之餘,亦會「兩棲」突圍,分身重踏亞洲盃賽道為港爭光。
The event went so smooth, got TVB, ATV, Cable, ESPN, and around 10 more newspaper and magazines media came over for the press con.
It was great experience...believe it or not that was my first job in life, and I am pleased with it. I got to do a big variety of works, and also, feel what it is like to be employed, and to be a newbie in the company Xd. good good good.
well, good luck to Darryl O'young in supercup, I better start off working on my school works now... :'(