Official Artist
Joanne Shum
Athlete , Graphic Designer , Illustrator
142,202 views| 198  Posts

My Boy

This is my BB, he sleeps next to my tummy every night, don't know what life will be without him

Been trying to learn how a camera works...okay...I still shoot pictures with AUTO :'(

btw, I got myself a fisheye lens on my LX2 :D happy

Horhor BB sleeping


Big match coming up early Aug. Extra trainings will start soon...

been trying to look for a part-time sales job under club 21...tough shit

over 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
Photo 64681
dog :)
over 16 years ago


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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Member Since
February 23, 2008