.29 September: - Rome XXX ABBOT of SHAOLIN TEMPLE del TEMPIO SHAOLIN, : CONFERENZA “FILOSOFIA E BUDDHISMO CHAN DI SHAOLIN” ,at the presence og TV and journalists. Thanks to: President Commissione Cultura- Sport - Patrimonio Municipio XII Roma Capitale : Pietrangelo Massaro, Segretario Nazionale CSEN (Centro Sportivo Educativo Nazionale) : Tommaso D'Aprile, Presidene Association Tathata Dharma Vrindham Italia - Maria Cristina Kaveri Cantoni for their participation. Shaolin Culturale Center of Italy helped with the organization. ShiHengChanandShiHengDing havealso participated ina privatemeetingof the SEA (ShaolinEurope Association)presenting the2ndedition ofMILANMEETSSHAOLINtothe Venerable Abbot ShiYongXinand VenerableShiYongChuan,Abbot of theShaolinTemplein Berlinand the restof Greece ,Austria, Germany, England,ItalyShaolinMasters. ShiHengChanhasalso donatedto the VenerableAbbotShiYongXinthe 2ndvolumeof his book"SHAOLINKONG-FU-a series ofbooksonShaolinCulture",translatedfrom Chinese intoItalianreceivinggreat appreciation. *南无阿弥陀佛*
May all beings be well and happy May there be peace on earth and goodwill among people Wish all a very blessed new year 2014 Amituofo 南无阿弥陀佛