Waiting for the celebration of Chinese New Year农历 新年春节 (or "Spring Festival" -February 32011 according to the lunar-solar calendar, which will be celebrated here in Milan Sunday, February 6 c / o Teatro Arcimboldi), SHAOLIN TEMPLE ITALY celebrated the New Year 2010 during Shaolin Winter Campus 2010-2011,welcoming the new Year 2011 with a ceremony andChanmeditation,般若波罗蜜多心经 Heart Sutra,thanks to Buddha,Shifu ShiHengChanreflection and greetingsto allparticipantsandloved onespresent inthe heartsofeveryone. 南无 阿弥陀佛
May all beings be well and happy May there be peace on earth and goodwill among people Wish all a very blessed new year 2014 Amituofo 南无阿弥陀佛