Sunday, March 11, 2012- Shaolin Temple Italy -Milan Throughout the daythere was the3rdstage /technical updateinShaolinKung-Fu andSandawith Shaolin Monk ShiYanHuithe34thgenerationofficial representativeof the Shaolin Temple and theAbbotShiYongXin inItaly.From 10 toh.19have takenthe class forbeginners-intermediate-advanced studentsin ShaolinKung-FuandSanda dedicatedto theimprovement offundamentalforms(LianHuanQuan,Qi-Xing-TangLangQuan-,Da-Hong-Quan) anddeepening of PhilosophyofKung-Fu andChanBuddhism.
May all beings be well and happy May there be peace on earth and goodwill among people Wish all a very blessed new year 2014 Amituofo 南无阿弥陀佛