SHAOLIN TEMPLE ENCYCLOPEDIAA Literary Project work-in-progress of + 30 volumes (with translation from the original Chinese Texts)on Culture, History, Philosophy, Spirituality, Arts internal&external and Martial Training of Shaolin Monks - in homage to the Venerable Abbot Shi-Yong-Xin for the Recognition of Shaolin Temple as a World Cultural HeritageUNESCO Site.*************阿彌陀佛*************
Other Volumes are coming soon...For the moment ,You can find all these Volumes ON-LINE, Lulù.com,, and in the Libraries HOEPLI, ESOTERICA, FELTRINELLI ( Milan- Italy) .
*************阿 彌陀佛*************
May all beings be well and happy May there be peace on earth and goodwill among people Wish all a very blessed new year 2014 Amituofo 南无阿弥陀佛