Official Artist
shann larsson
Graphic Designer , Illustrator , Painter
275,897 views| 234  Posts

the high end of low

we turn literature into litter

we dont believe in credibility, because we know that we're fucking incredible

dont wanna be a victim, be a killer with a gun so they call me a hero

just got the new track

very different from the last album

very different from the previous

supposedly very different from the rest of the album

looking forward to hear what the rest will be like

over 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Photo 63849
ahaha yep!
over 15 years ago


Sites: + www.shannlarsson.com + www.facebook.com/shannlarssonsart + http://shannlarsson.tumblr.com Other + www.inside-artzine.de + www.burro

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Languages Spoken
english, german
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
March 2, 2008