Official Artist
shann larsson
Graphic Designer , Illustrator , Painter
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some uninspired shit

uninspired shit no. 1

unspired shit no.2

nearly tore the last one in half

but that'd mean both (its on the back of the first)

hmmm.... deadwaves


almost 17 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
I really like this one. Obliterating I don't know what makes it very mysterious and the interaction of the black over top of the red outlining frame. The brush strokes are really strong, too. You let go and this came out, pretty cool. It would be great if you could experiment with this sort of thing more, works where you don't use so much the conscious mind, but more the unconscious mind. This is very passionate.
almost 17 years ago
Photo 63849
interesting ideas here. i reckon thats whats been wrong lately - too much of the conscious rather than the unconscious being a distraction. most of what i do that i myself like out of my works are the ones that just build up to the way they are rather than follow some system or pre-made plans. those come out too dead i feel. the first piece was pretty much a copy of some small illustration i made in my workbook. that i felt was pretty dead work. the second - something i didnt really like again so basically my frustration over being stuck in a creative block and all else. aha... great hearing your opinions! you descriptions and ideas are very interesting
almost 17 years ago


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March 2, 2008