Official Artist
shann larsson
Graphic Designer , Illustrator , Painter
275,897 views| 234  Posts


Prints had finally come in, after a freak out of their wear abouts

Tightening up and fixing what shall be shown the night of the 7th through to the 15th

bubble bomb inspector dog

Hopefully see some of you there and that you enjoy whats to come up


over 14 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Good luck with the show. I hope it puts you on the map of HK artists to watch.
over 14 years ago


Sites: + www.shannlarsson.com + www.facebook.com/shannlarssonsart + http://shannlarsson.tumblr.com Other + www.inside-artzine.de + www.burro

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Languages Spoken
english, german
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
March 2, 2008