Official Artist
Shane Sato
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My first ever blog

    So im sitting here in my studio in Los Angeles...... i live in the "artists district"  near Little Tokyo. There is lots of construction and gentrification going on all around the area. Its another beautiful summer day as I sit in front of my computer cutting out some images again. I became a photographer so I can be outside, but instead I am inside in front of my computer for hours at a time. I know I used to be like that printing my b+w photos....  in the dark with only a radio to pass the time with various hazardous chemicals being inhaled.  It just "feels" less like photography with the images not appearing before your eyes.  Times are changing...my work is changing , my surroundings are changing. Change is necessary and good, I just did not think it would change so much!!  My darkroom is now storage, the local walls and locations I used to shoot models are now condos with all their "yuppiness"  and suburban  feel. My computer is just as important piece of photography as the camera itself.  My photography mentor died a year ago.... I remember one day I was discussing the new motor drives and that the "auto-focus" was not keeping up. He went on to say how "back in the day" he could only take one picture at a time and the focusing ground glass on the old cameras were so dark you could barely see the image.... not to mention it was upside down !!  He asked me if I felt sorry for the older generation..... I defiantly said no! and said that I (as well as everyone in this era) have to work with what is going on now and the past is the past. Well I think the Gods have gotten back at me.....

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
December 19, 2007