Official Artist
Shan Chen
Singer , Model
316,223 views| 81  Posts

My First Time.....

WHOO HOO. As promised, a REAL blog entry~~

Besides Ani-Com this past Saturday, nothing really worth mentioning for the week. I frankly don't really know how the weekdays pass by because they just generally ....do. Very quickly might I add.

Heading back to NY for 2 weeks and a half in August, very VERY excited! , Flushing Shabu Shabu, HERE I COME!!!!! Of course, will get to see my Mommy and friends. Whoa, the site just auto saved my draft, how awesome is that?! Much better than Xanga. Thank you Alivenot Dead!

Once I have more posts and pics and content on the site, i definitely will have to introduce all you guys, readers, fans, and anyone else some of my favorite musicians/artists from NYC~

but for now, its zzzZZZZ time.

Will leave with some pics from this past weekend!

~The Official AnD Gear~

Beginning of the Night!

** **** !

over 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yeah! welcome to the 21st century! will you be back by Sept 2nd?
over 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
what about August 10th? will you still be here? its a friday... take the day off work!
over 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i burn easily! i can tan (i think i'm already getting darker), but i generally try not to. don't worry, i'm bringing my super 50+ sunblock, you can be protected. ;-)
over 17 years ago
Photo 23789
I love the pictures! Come back! Come back!
over 17 years ago


i like funny people.

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Member Since
May 9, 2007