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Shan Chen
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Got my camera back!

So i left my camera in Taiwan the week of my birthday, asked a friend to pick it up from the hotel where i had left it, and he passed it on to another friend who we knew was going to be in HK the following week. Somehow i didn't get a chance to meet up with him to get my camera, so he went back to Taiwan with my camera. (Since I told him I was going back to Taiwan the for the second time) I ended up going back to Taiwan(for work) the following week, stayed at the same hotel, where I left my camera, and that same night, met up with my friend, and picked up my camera.....

Basically my camera traveled back and forth TW and HK and was passed around but eventually back to where I left it. The moral of the story is that... PLEASE try not to leave any of you personal belongings behind when you travel... haha kidding.

Ironic, Life is almost the same way sometimes, you are busy working, and trying to achieve one goal, nonetheless, you are back at where you started after all.

The good news is, camera is back! Therefore pics from the past month are here! Most of the events' been posted by the AnD guys already, its been an eventful month.

In Chronological Order:


Birthday Dinner at the Peak (Stephen Pat and Raffi in the Back, Boon might be the one taking the picture~)

Peak View

After party at Karaoke (with AnD representatives)

View from my hotel in Taiwan (that is ONE TALL building)

Room 18 with friends from TW


Birthday Dinner with co-workers

Drinks at the hotel

viewing of Quentin Lee's 0506HK and Afterparty (Pat's speech!)



LONGGG entry. I shall try to update more often, more exciting events coming up, but need to be in study mode for a while. Thanks for everyone for checkin in


until next time!

over 17 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
cool. which hotel were you at in taipei?
over 17 years ago
Photo 33405
Glad you got your camera back. Looks like u had lots of fun. =)
over 17 years ago


i like funny people.

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