This is how we do things in our beloved neighborhood... ?? Massive thanks to Print House crew and all amazingly dedicated people.
Don't believe everything mainstream media tells you.. ;)
"Britain is divided as never before. The country has turned its back on Europe, and its female ruler has her sights set on trade with the East. As much as this sounds like Britain today, it also describes the country in the 16th century, during the golden age of its most famous monarch, Queen Elizabeth I."
Textbook material for all customer service people out there. Appreciated my favourite travel planner once again. Go #Skyscanner! Lisa, you'll love this one 8-)
This one looks really interesting. Thank you Ka Kee. Join for a great sharing session!
Good read! Featured Paper Author: Murat Germen Title: Ankara: From Pioneering Modernism To Revivalist Mimicry
Kitap ozeti okuyup, atip tutmak var; bir de dusmanin zihnini okumak var... Tarih bilmeyip; Ortadogu batakligini, pirinc tarlasi sanan saskinlar icin siradan bir gun tabi ki... Ama bugun, iki dakika bile olsa durup, dusunup, gunun kiymetini bilen herkesin Bayrami kutlu, zihinleri acik olsun.
While watching 'Stranger Things' the other night, I was thinking the same thing, how well thought and designed the title was. Well, it wasn't a coincidence apparently... :) Amazing design research and thinking!
Ya tutarsa seklinde yapilan, tutmamasi halinde kimin ekmegine yag surecegini 'dusunemeyen'(!) bir sacma tesebbus ve halkla emir erini karsi karsiya getirip olumlere sebep olmaktan tereddut etmeyen egemen guc ve hunharca kafa kesen kitleler. Hakikaten bu ulkenin ve kulturunun dayandigi o muhtesem temeller, gurur duyulan degerler diye birsey var midir, varsa nedir?
I love helping old / new businesses finding their voice / tone / visual identity while I also support them with marketing and brand strategies in long run.