Bilenler bilmeyenlere anlatsin bir zahmet. Sene 2017 olmus hala ayni diz boyu cehalet. Iyi bir sene olsun 2017 haydi bakalim.
"Herkese günaydın! :) Bugün 2016'nın (nihayet) son günü ve 2017'ye girmek üzereyiz. Dolayısıyla ara ara buna yönelik bazı paylaşımlar yapmak istiyoruz. Öncelikle, şu "Noel Baba" meselesini birazcık temizleyerek başlayalım. Noel Baba figürünün kökenleri, farklı kültürlerde farklı kişilere gitmektedir. Örneğin Almanya'daki "Santa Klaus" (Noel Baba) figürü Christkind olarak bilinir ve "İsa'nın...Read more
People of HK, expert mechanic from the UK is in town now! Save the contact details for a rainy day! ???
Packing my bags! ?? Absolute necessity here in HK while I have to slalom between zombies (aka walking dead, phone-gazers) night and day. ? (Edit: link was missing ?)
So long L. Cohen... Ah, the last time we saw you, you looked so much older. Your famous blue raincoat was torn at the shoulder.
...and thank you for all the trouble, legend.
Today I remember that old saying, it was something like this: "Small minds discuss people. Average minds discuss events. Great minds discuss ideas." Remembering that puppets / oval office tenants are not the system nor the idea. There is this pitfall here where people criticise / make fun of 'others' / rednecks / racists / ignorant masses etc. Today's world is an outcome of all this attitude, from both/all sides and we all know it deep inside. We know this is happening in many countries (incld. Turkey unfortunately) Time to re-think, re-study,...Read more
Dear America, all you needed was LOVE. You've got it all wrong. Now this is the victory of hate, fear and polarisation.
I love helping old / new businesses finding their voice / tone / visual identity while I also support them with marketing and brand strategies in long run.