Serena Choong
主持人, DJ
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Funny of the day! LOL

Butt Hole Road renamed by residents

Tuesday, May 26 2009, 15:29 BST
By Mayer Nissim

Butt Hole Road renamed by residents


Butt Hole Road in Conisbrough, South Yorkshire has been renamed by its residents to Archers Way, it has emerged.Locals spent £300 for the official name change after getting tired of jokes about the street, the Daily Mail reports.It was believed to have been named after a communal water butt previously situated in the area.Pensioner Elizabeth Brennan, who uses the street for access, said: "It was a bit tedious having the street laughed at all the time. The new name is much nicer."Paul Allott moved out of his house on the road in 2003 after complaining of "people flashing their bottoms for photographs by the drive" and others making mocking phonecalls.However, an internet petition has been set up to change the name of the street back to Butt Hole Road.____________________________________lol!!!Have a fantabulous weekend everyone!Nothin but love!Serena

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that's hilarious... i'm surprised they made it that long w/ the original name.
15 年多 ago


I know it's been a while since I'd updated! Be back asap promise!!!


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