Official Artist
Serena Choong
MC / Show Host , DJ
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And it's a wrap: 2008年H-Factor 全国青年创意工作坊

参加2008年H-Factor 全国青年创意工作坊以学习音乐,剧场表演,喜剧表演,电台,电视主持,电影,动画,舞蹈及数码创意。  (

Well I hope you did get a little something out of this if you managed to attend one or more of the workshops!

And if you were there and I didn't get to say hi, it was a pleasure to meet you and I hope to see you again! Really! Its a pity we didn't have time to meet all of you. I know I would've wanted a one-on-one with guys like Hans Isaac ;)

Sometimes we get so caught up in our work and our routine that we forget how fantastic it is to open our eyes to meet new people. In this case, see our world through your eyes! Sometimes I forget what a great job I have - and you reminded me of that. You also made me want to do better.

More than anything, H-factor's shown me that there's so much potential in young Malaysians - to be whatever YOU want to be! Not specific to radio, acting, singing etc.

You guys are dynamic, aggressive (in the best sense of that word), and way way faster at picking up stuff then we were when we were your age. Now I'm starting to sound like a grandma!

My point is: I hope through sharing our stories @ H-Factor, we'd helped you, even if it's just a little, in finding your course in life after high school/ college.

Sorry I didn't get to take many pics at the last stop, here are some I haven't posted:

The press con @ Werner's (Changkat Bkt Bintang)

9 speakers brought together with 1 goal. Instant bonding came as quite a surprise, definitely a pleasant one.

Our security team - they weren't smiling much throughout the workshop just cuz it was their job. Hope you weren't mad. But MAN did I feel like Britney! Good job boys!

Our cue girl Belle made sure we didn't talk too much - of course we did ;) She may look sweet but she could whoop our asses with her voice! Yes MAAM!!!

The entire team (pic courtesy of Michael Yip) - what a team!

Until next time...

about 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


I know it's been a while since I'd updated! Be back asap promise!!!

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