Remember granny across the hall, who only ever sings "Jingle Bells," but with one word?
She'd make Phish proud with the two-hour jam sessions she does; I admit that occasionally, she'll roll the melody over on itself or do it backwards or something. Interesting, even at the third hour.
Well anyway, tonight there's a new development.
Her husband, who occasionally just yells at her, started DOING IT TOO.
I am not sure if she's contagious, or if he was teasing her.
Either way, she was not fazed at all; kept right up with Christmas in May.
Though now she's adding on extra bars at the end.
But she keeps pretty good time.
I'm holding out for the two of them to do a duet.
I'm gonna miss these two when I move across town next month...
If we don't support the movies that deserve it, we get the movies that we deserve.