My dad died of neck, throat and lung cancer 12-24-07, directly as the result of over 50 years of smoking. It is a most horrible way to die. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. What else is there to say about it? Oh, and the stale smell of cigarette smoke on clothing, skin, hair and in the car and house of a smoker is most definitely a turn-off.
im sorry about ur dad... im trying to quit my 2 1/2 packs a day habbit and i just shot these images of a social smoker which i felt was alittle amusing in a james dean way. thats all >.<
Good luck on quitting, Sean. It is most definitely worth the effort. Think of all the money you'll have to spend on things like that wacky fur hat and other impulse buys after you quit. More disposable income, better health-- what's not to love?