Official Artist
Sarah Lian
Actor , MC / Show Host , Model
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Welcome back Denamerican!


(in clockwise: Gump, Dena, Adam, and Fi)

If there’s anyone who loves the Apple movement, its probably my darling Denamerican.

She was back in KL and of course, it always means an awesome girly dinner.I had to opt out because I was hosting the last shh-bang of Hennessy Artistry events in KL. Even though I could not attend the dinner, I managed to catch the tail-end of a big party at the VIP area in Phuture which was filled with everyone I wanted to see!!! I had tons of fun and I finally got to Adam and it turns out he’s real! (and not an Iphone boyfriend application)

over 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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September 9, 2008