No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. – Aesop
When I first started to travel more frequently, I was about 18-19. I was the kind of girl who would get excited to see who I was sitting beside and then try to talk to them the entire way there. I used to think I was a super nice person who went the extra mile to talk to strangers. I was always so interested and nosey, asking people what they are doing in the destination city, talk about family life, and life goals. I was so doe-eyed hoping to absorb as much as I could. Nowadays I’m the complete opposite. I have a bad habit of keeping my conversations short and sometimes even pray that we don’t speak the same language so I can bury my head in slumber and catch my zzzzs.
But now I realize the kindness wasn’t coming from me, it was coming from those who had to sit and listen to me ask questions and yap away for 4 hours or some 12 hours (I know, bad right?). They didn’t break my spirit or give me a bad opinion of flying. Instead, they offered me their dessert if they weren’t going to eat it, or even let me kick my legs up in the empty middle seat. They were kind to me, much kinder than I’ve been in awhile. I think that’s something I’d like to take away for this week. I’d like to appreciate other people’s kindness and be able to see it and accept it.
Be kind, it goes a long way.
Enjoy, my animated GIF! My gift to you! Hahaha