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People that Matter

Passed out at Casa Del Tan

I’ve been flying back and forth between HK/KL quite frequently (truth be told, I’m supposed to be based in HK) because my manager Suraya (Beaming Stars) has been consistently been keeping me busy in KL with events, work and everything else. It seems like every week I’m on a flight with only mere evenings and afternoons to  spend time with the handful of people I think of, off the top of my head.

Each time I go back to KL, I feel like my social crowd gets smaller and smaller and the calls come in less frequent. I’ve started to enjoy the silence and I don’t mind when I have time to myself. I don’t bother alarming people when I’m in one place or another and I’m rarely on MSN or Facebook (except my BBM status will prob be the best notifier).

This past trip back was extremely stressful and relaxing at the same time. I’ve had an overdose of my girlies in KL with a great catch-up sesh after a hilarious preview of New Moon (we found it to be more funny than romantic). If there is a crew of girlies that I always miss, its prob my gfs in KL! We’ve got such a great dynamic between us as all of us are so different from each other but will always help each other when we can- i’m also their token Chinese girl. (Hey, for the first time I’m a minority in my group!) I usually only call my neighbour Ah Tan and thank goodness my girl Fei Fei dropped in!  It was like a double bonus cuz Ah Tan reminds me of everything I know that is KL and Fei Fei is my mobile app version of home.

Hi, we're The Chinky Lians. Meet Nelly- my big brudder!

I had back to back events working and making appearances but I finally got the chance to hang out with my brudder since he’s moved to Asia. Our time in Malaysia never really overlapped because he moved to KL when I moved to HK. After 2 months, we finally get to spend a weekend together: walking over to MidV, having lunch and watching Ninja Assassin (Rain is HOT!) or lounging around and ordering pizza. I don’t ever want to take moments like these for granted because I realize how rare spending time with family has become for me. Between the 6 of us, we’ve been living in 5 cities spread from East to West (Vancouver, Toronto, Taiwan, China, Malaysia) The last time we all had dinner as a family was probably my sister’s wedding in June 2006. (Yup, thats more than 3.5 years already!) I’ve been away for too long and I hope that I’ll be able to spend more time with family when I’m back. But for now, my friends are definitely as good as family! :)

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i wish i had an overdose of girlies... i've been forced to quit involuntarily. :-P
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 37580
That takes some skill to pass out like that.
接近 15 年 ago


WEB: www.sarahlian.com FB: www.facebook.com/imSarahLian TWIT: www.twitter.com/imSarahLian IG: http://instagram.com/imsarahlian


September 9, 2008