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Sarah Lian
Actor , MC / Show Host , Model
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I may not be perfect but parts of me are pretty awesome!

I had an audition on Friday for a recurring role on a TV series and it required that we come in, bikini-ready. So I decided to splurge and purchase a new one from Victoria Secret because I haven’t bought a new bikini since killing time at the San Francisco airport a couple years back.

I also lost some (winter) weight and the kung-fu classes have helped me keep in shape. I’m definitely proud of my body and although there are imperfections, I’m starting to realise that the older we age, the more comfortable we get with our own bodies. I remember sitting with girlfriends and talking about the list of ‘procedures’ I’d do if I had the money and the more I think about it, the less I would want to go under the knife. It just doesn’t seem worth it. Ha, but ask me again in 10 years and that’ll probably change.

Some of the breakdowns I read also talk about needing a character to be beautiful, but not Hollywood beautiful. I guess there is a specific Hollywood look people are referring to. Anyway, I’ve got another series that I’m auditioning for. Its a massive one and I’m still counting my blessings for all of these opportunities. My screen test in NZ really helped me secure a few other auditions because I’m now on the radar with a few casting directors. (Especially since I’m based in Toronto and not LA) I hope the momentum keeps building and I can keep moving along. :)

Off to a Raptor’s game tonight! Thanks HENKAA!!

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
Jika terdapat buaian yang sama di anjung saya, saya akan memakannya.
almost 13 years ago


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September 9, 2008