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Don’t Feed (Charge) the Models!


(Webcamming before a looong night! Check out Mr. B’swork on the top right corner!)

A few days ago, I decided to go out and join Hong Kong in enjoying a nice, mid-week party. It started off with a “Model Dinner” where you add your name to the list of other models attending a dinner FREE-OF-CHARGE. This is how it works: there’s a model dinner every night of the week in different bar/restaurants in Central Hong Kong. You usually find out about them meeting different PR managers hosting different restaurants (so far they’re all Male models). As long as these PR managers pack their restaurant with beautiful people during relatively peak hours of the night, they get paid and we get fed.

The influx of models in Hong Kong is astounding and the way they get treated is apparently better than anywhere else. Of course, when there are models, there are model-izers (Its an icky by-product). They are the men that hang around these women, preying on the newbies and not having to worry about much commitment because in a few months, the models are off to another city and a new batch comes in.  There’s no escaping them – Phew! Thank God for friends like M who’s shown me the ropes so far! :)

Back in KL for a work and events! Congrats to Arvin and Leng getting hitched this weekend, also Eleana and Ronnie next weekend! Ooooh, weddings galore!

14 年多 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares
nice shot ...
14 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
how can i say no to that face?
14 年多 ago
Photo 248210
woots! ok, i'm gonna paint u a bigger one, looks kinda small....
14 年多 ago


WEB: www.sarahlian.com FB: www.facebook.com/imSarahLian TWIT: www.twitter.com/imSarahLian IG: http://instagram.com/imsarahlian


September 9, 2008