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Chillaxing on Dimanche


(with Gump on the way to SG earlier this week)  

I’m so overdue with event photos and shoots and blah blah. But I’m gonna take this time to appreciate the time I have to do VERY normal things:

  1. I cleaned out my fridge today. There was some serious funk happening in there and I’m totally not going to take any blame because I primarily buy fruit. I stock my fridge like a typical college student - a whole lotta condiments and not so much of anything else. I just went for a fruit run again and hope this will sustain me for more than 3 days. It’s really tough buying so much fresh food but eating healthy is so comforting ——mmm flax seed (just kidding!)

  2. I did laundry. I hate laundry.

  3. I poked at my belly and told it to get lost. I haven’t ran properly since the manager at Casa Del Tan is off gallavanting in London and I need him back!!!!

  4. I ate Chicken Rice. Chicken Rice makes me feel very Malaysian.

  5. I bought some hair ties because my hair is like a lion’s mane when I wake up.

I worked hard this weekend and I’m humbled by the people I meet and of course the people I work with. When people have more and more expectations of me I start to recede and assume less responsibilities. With the aid of Beaming Stars, they’ve really helped me feel more like a rising star -taking care of my transportation, wardrobe, meetings and scheduling (and being part of my entourage).  They’re probably the reason why I can even have this Sunday all to myself!

I had a chance to work on a couple 8TV productions: Homegrown and Maybelline’s Simply Fabulous. People always say production is such a bitch with long hours and liaising and etc etc but I love the interaction with everyone involved in a project. I always feel its important to have good energy and to keep a good flow of communication. Moreover, everyone is there to produce good work so doing my best is worthwhile because my name will be attached to the project and if I value anything in my work, its probably my reputation and my name.

I’m remotely close from reaching my own expectations - in terms of money, experience and even fame - but I have to thank the people who have helped me charter my course thus far. The countless producers, magazine writers, event organizers and decision makers who have been instrumental in building my career in Malaysia, Singapore, Canada and Hong Kong. As much as I’d like to build an ego by flaunting what I have acheived, there are still many things that I have YET to acheive.

So until then, the only difference between my work and yours is that mine’s for you to see. ;)

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September 9, 2008