A couple weeks back, I had an interview on Malaysia’s Business Radio Station BFM 89.9 with Byron Mann who was promoting Warner TV’s Arrow. This interview aired on Friday Jan 4th on the Evening Edition with Caroline O & Uma.
Had a fun time doing the interview and we cracked a couple jokes too.
You can download the podcast here: Evening Edition
Or listen to it on the website – link: http://www.bfm.my/assets/files/dailyshow/2013-01-04EE_MakingItInHollywood.mp3
I’ve hardly cracked it in Hollywood, especially not compared to Byron’s body of work but I’m still giving it an honest shot and so far so good. It was good to have a friend visit me in KL and I made sure he ate some delicious Malaysian food! Byron was on his mini promo tour for Arrow which will be airing here in Malaysia on HyppTV. I think it’s so awesome that the world is getting smaller and hopefully one day my work in North America will be shown on screens in Asia!! One day!
Hope you enjoyed the little interview!
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