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A Sandwich Story


(In Bebe’s signature Kate Dress, camming while waiting for the event to begin)

After being in Malaysia for a year, I’ve realized that I’ve been assimilating to the culture quite nicely.  My recent discovery of asam laksa has really made me wonder why it has taken me this long to finally eat this VERY MALAYSIAN DISH. What the hell is wrong with me??? More importantly, why have my “Malaysian” friends never suggested me to try it???? I’m gonna have a big bowl of asam laksa everytime I head out to the Pasar Malam from now on! (Yes, I still go to Pasar Malam, u never know when you have to pick up an extra pair of fake batteries!!! LOL)

I made myself lunch today. I’m eating salad with Sundried Tomato and Oregano dressing [delivered from Vancouver] and of course my two oranges since I’m feeling a little sick and I need a surge of Vitamin C to boost my system. AND…… I’m making myself a Ikan Bilis/Kacang/Sambal sandwich! I’m now thinking about the progression of my sandwich developments:

Age 7 - My mother used to make sandwiches for lunch with thick butter sprinkled with sugar and on white bread with all my crusts cut off.

Age 10 - Our family owned a deli- in downtown Vancouver so egg salad sandwiches with just mayo and NOTHING else would keep me happy.

Age 12 - From the tricks of the trade, the familiar TUNA melt meant I moved on to Tuna with Cheddar Cheese on English Muffins

Age 14 - Realizing that eggs and tuna can really stink up the locker, I figured that something like Nutella [hazelnut chocolate spread for all of you who haven’ lived yet] was a happy alternative that kept me chirpy throughout the day.

Age 16 - I already started to work at our deli and seeing the different types of cold cuts helped me experiment with my own favourites, so I rocked this Turkey with Cranberry Sauce with lettuce on Toasted Sourdough bread. YUMMMM!!!

Age 22 - I moved to Toronto and lived off Chef Boyardee’s, Michelina’s, Stouffers and any other microwavable item that could be eaten in 2-3 mins without having to use any utensil other than a fork. So I stocked up on canned salmon. [Yes, the very Canadian part of me!] I’m a bit of a Salmon nazi and almost always only eat my Pacific Sockeye friends…. nothin but premium baby!!! So then my Salmon Sockeye Sandwiches became a major staple in my diet, along with Multi-grain Flaxseed bread.

Age 24 - The closest thing to healthy food were wraps. Gyros, Roast Chicken, Shwarmas, Feta, Cheddar, Swiss, anything that had a little bit of kick and anything on the go. I lived off pitas and wraps, as long as there was a major dosage of Tzaziki sauce, I’d get my Greek fix and be happy!

Fast-forward a move to KL and I’m indulging in ikan bilis and kacang. I’ve opted the Nasi for wholewheat Roti. I’ve revolutionized my own nasi lemak kosong to sambal, ikan bilis and kacang (prawn paste, anchovies and peanuts) on bread… hahaha I also now pronounce Dato Siti Nurhaliza properly -as the Quickie team reminded me of my first audition tape. After a year, I’m glad things are slowly coming together for me… :)

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares
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so where does the sandwich fit in this pix...i wonder...hmmm...hehehehe
大约 16 年 ago


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September 9, 2008