Sam Salek
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Back in Kingston


Yesterday I did two lectures for Kingston University students. I was a student there myself not long ago and graduated in 2009 from Media Technology Bsc. Going back to Kingston always brings back a lot of memories, mostly good! and I’m always happy to return and share my journey with the future digital artists. This time as well doing a presentation I also showed a special video.

Every time after I finish a talk I wish I could have shared more as all I’m saying is one person’s story and point of view and probably won’t apply to many.This year I wanted to change that with the help of my colleagues. I did a series of video interviews with Framestore artists from different departments and asked them to share their stories. I was faced with an overwhelming support, so much so that I was not able to include everyone in the project. The result was a video of the vfx artists generously sharing their unique journeys and how they got where they are. It took me four weeks to put it together and I really hope Kingston students found it helpful. I will make the original video available online here for a limited time and hopefully a shorter version officially online at some point in the next few months.

Via: Vfx

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IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4317964/ Personal Website: http://www.samsalek.net


England, Germany
July 5, 2008