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Sam Salek
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A Small change in my Pocket!

neww allet

After about 10 months I’m finally departing with my paper wallet! I enjoyed how slim and light it was and even renewed it once! But it’s time to try something new and what’s recyclable must be recycled! besides, finding a good wallet is no easy task so once a good one is discovered you shouldn’t turn your back on it! trust me the next discovery may not happy any time soon!

new wallet

new walletThe replacement is of a similar concept, a flat foldable design but this time in leather! yes it smells good! There’s not much to see, three same size pockets with a red strap making sure nothing is going fall out, a nice compact wallet that can easily be the home to up to 9 cards and with a little push you can fit even more, but I like my pocket to be light and don’t really wanna feel it there, the keys and changes (coins) already making enough fuss there!

The only downside for me and in comparison to slimfoldwallet is you have to fold the cash notes too to fit inside the pockets which mean at time you need to take them all out to find the right one! not a deal breaker but design wise a small flaw.

Designed by Bandit Manchot, it’s currently being sold at London Design Museum shop for a very reasonable price! ;)

almost 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4317964/ Personal Website: http://www.samsalek.net

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