For those who like to drink or club, Absolut Vodka should be a familiar brand. But the majority of people should be not too familiar with Absolut Vodka’s spirit and the history. Ever since the production of its first bottle of vodka, the Alsolut brand has been committed to and brimming with artistic expression and creative excellence. 30 years on now, Absolut has stayed true tot hat commitment and made a name for itself among the global arts community. A product of that commitment is the brand’s “Absolut Art Collection”, and initiative that began in 1985 with a reinterpretation of the iconic bottle by famed pop artist Andy Warhol – ABSOLUT WARHOL. the collection now boasts over 800 pieces of artwork from 400 plus of the worlds most compelling modern artist.
Thoughout 2011, this sweden worldwide Asbolut vodka brand and its “Alsolut Art Collection” will be on a global tour with 19 of the original art pieces for 7 months. The Beijing exhibit will be held at the Beijing Today Art Museum for all the Chinese Asolut fans, and the exhibition is a celebration of art, creativity and popular culture all together.
This exhibition has art from mixed mediums such as canvas, plexiglas, tin / metal, photography and paper, and features pieces from celebrated names like Andy Warhol, Francesco Clemente, Rosemarie Trockel, Louise Bourgeois, Beatrice Cussol and Angus Fairhurst. The Absolut Vodka bottle created by Andy Warhol in 1985 and the Absolut Bourgeois bottle created by Louise Bourgeois in 2003 are also featured in this exhibition. Also, the “72 BIAN” piece by Chinese graphic designer/illustrator Gau Yu in 2010 and fashion photographer Chen Man’s photography of “72 BIAN” will also be shown. You should go check it out if you are interested!
Organizer: Today Art Muesem
Opening Time: 2011/5/11 6:00p.m.
Exhibit Time: 2011/5/11 – 2011/5/22
Exhibit Location: 3rd Floor, Exhibition hall of Building No.1, Today Art Museum
Address: Buiding 4, Pingod Community, No.32 Baiziwan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100022 |對於喜愛飲酒和夜市生活的朋友們,肯定對Absolute Vodka 不陌生。但是並不是大部分人都了解Absolute Vodka的神淬和歷史。從它的第一次出廠,Absolute Vodka就被認為是創意和藝術的結合。至今已是30年的歷史,Absolute Vodka一直獨樹一幟的被全球藝術家中享有聲譽。自從 1985年著名波普藝術大師Andy Warhol被Absolut瓶子的藝術感所折服,為其創作了“ABSOLUT WARHOL”後,Absolute Vodka就開始了其絕對 “創意”的藝術之旅。到現在,“Absolut Art Collection”已經擁有400多位藝術大師的超過800件作品。2011 整年,瑞典的國際知名品牌Absolute Vadka攜著收藏“Absolut Art Collection” 中的 19件重量級藝術原作開始了為期7個月的全球巡展。此次於中國北京今日美術館的展覽,為中國Aboslute Vodka愛好者們帶來一場集藝術、創意和時尚於一身的絕對視覺盛宴。這次展覽涵蓋了油畫、有機玻璃、錫制作品、攝影和紙上作品等不同藝術形態。其中更不乏Andy Warhol, Francesco Clemente, Rosemarie Trockel, Louise Bourgeois, Beatrice Cussol and Angus Fairhurst等多位當代藝術家的經典之作。 1985年Andy Warhol為Absolute Vodka創作的 Absolut Warhol,Louise Bourgeois2003 年創作的Absolut Bourgeois也都將作為此次藝術巡回展的重要展品進行展出。更值得一提的是,2010年由國內知名藝術家高瑀專為中國定制的絕對伏特加中國限量版“72變”以及時尚攝影領軍人物陳曼為“72變”創作的一系列前衛平面作品也在此次藝術展中亮相。有興趣的朋友們可以去看看 ! 圖片
參觀時間 : 2011年五月11日下午6點 展覽時間: 2011年五月11日到2011年五月22日 展覽地點:今日美術館 1號館3層
Organizer: Today Art Muesem
Opening Time: 2011/5/11 6:00p.m.
Exhibit Time: 2011/5/11 – 2011/5/22
Exhibit Location: 3rd Floor, Exhibition hall of Building No.1, Today Art Museum
Address: Buiding 4, Pingod Community, No.32 Baiziwan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100022
|对于喜爱饮酒和夜市生活的朋友们,肯定对Absolute Vodka不陌生。但是并不是大部分人都了解Absolute Vodka的神淬和历史。从它的第
Vodka就被认为是创意和艺术的结合。至今已是30年的历史,Absolute Vodka一直独树一帜的被全球艺术家中享有声誉。自从1985
Warhol 被Absolut
WARHOL”后,Absolute Vodka就开始了其绝对“创意”的
艺术之旅。到現在,“Absolut Art
Collection”已经拥有400 多位艺术大师的超过800件作品。2011
整年,瑞典的国际知名品牌Absolute Vadka携着收藏“Absolut Art
Collection” 中的19
乏Andy Warhol, Francesco Clemente, Rosemarie Trockel, Louise Bourgeois,
Beatrice Cussol and Angus Fairhurst等多位当代艺术家的经典之作。1985 年Andy
Warhol 为Absolute
Bourgeois2003 年创作的Absolut
Bourgeois 也都将作为此次艺术巡回展的重要展品进行展出。更值得一提的是,2010 年由国内知名艺术家高瑀专为中国定制的绝对
变”以及时尚摄影领军人物陈曼为“72 变”创作的一系列前卫平面作品也在此次艺术展中亮相。有兴
参观时间: 2011年五月11日下午6点
Organizer: Today Art Muesem
Opening Time: 2011/5/11 6:00p.m.
Exhibit Time: 2011/5/11 – 2011/5/22
Exhibit Location: 3rd Floor, Exhibition hall of Building No.1, Today Art Museum
Address: Buiding 4, Pingod Community, No.32 Baiziwan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100022