Rubber Band - my official artist profile
Official Artist
Rubber Band
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About Rubber Band


Lai Maan strikes his drum set with heartfelt ferocity... Wai's electric bass plucks along in synchronicity... Clem's guitar rhythmically dances in unison with Kelvin's intro chords... No.6 insatiably sways his microphone to the beat....

RubberBand was formed in 2004. It is the unbridled passion for music which brought these boys together. Upon hearing their performance, it would be easy to discern their collective enthusiasm. When they are not playing together however, their individualism shines: • Clem spent his formative years studying abroad, which is why his command of the English language is probably better than his Chinese. However, he retains his deep sense of Chinese heritage, and Asian culture in general--and still keeps fit by practicing Tai Kwon Do! • Kelvin is infamous for his meticulous nature. Under most circumstances, he is usually the mild-mannered gentleman in the band; however, once his tolerance threshold is tested, be prepared for the unimaginable wrath! • Wai has never given up on the local football scene, he is a die-hard fan of Nan Whua Shaolin soccer to this day! • Lai Maan evinces a carefree spirit. His passion for sailing probably explains his shorts-and-sandals look year-round. • No.6 is marked by emotional idealism despite his senile outlook. His knowledge in world geography and history is astounding.

Despite the apparent differences in their background, there is an inexplicable camaraderie which culminates in their musical alchemy: supple yet resilient, fluent yet graceful...they are RubberBand !


泥鯭打擊鼓面… 阿偉的electric bass與他前後擺動… 彈guitar的阿正與黑白鍵上的阿琛用力奏起intro… 六號按捺不住把mic stand猛搖… Ladies and Gentlemen, Introducing the RubberBand!

RubberBand組成於2004年,聚合時,可以簡單用「無樂不歡」去形容他們。 分開時,又發覺:

• 阿正由於年少時負笈海外,英語比廣東話還要流利,但對中華文化一往情深(卻一直修習韓國國技:跆拳道); • 阿琛做事細心,一絲不拘。(但如你越過他定下的處事底線,則後果自負﹗) • 阿偉由始至終未曾放棄過對香港足球的支持,愛隊一直是南華少林寺﹗ • 泥鯭說話徐疾有道,同時源於一直熱愛帆船活動,清爽短褲拖鞋造型幾乎四季可見﹗ • 六號大情大性,易笑易喊,不說話的時候比說話的時候老上幾歲。


Interesting facts about Rubber Band

Languages Spoken English,Cantonese,Mandarin
Location Hong Kong
English Name RubberBand
Member Since August 4, 2007
Gender Not Specified - Other
Fans 42
Profile Views 167,440


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Languages Spoken
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
August 4, 2007
Not Specified - Other