Rosemary Vanderbroucke - my official artist profile
Official Artist
Rosemary Vanderbroucke
Actor , Singer , Model
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About Rosemary Vanderbroucke

Rosemary Vandenbroucke (Chinese Name: 虹萱) is a Hong Kong model, actress, singer-songwriter, and fashion designer. She spent her childhood in France. After her primary school studies she and her family moved to Hong Kong, where she attended international school.

At age 14 she participated in 2nd Elite Model Look and won the championship. In 1996 she started modelling and was appointed Saint Laurent Ambassador 1998 by French apparel brand Yves Saint Laurent. She has gained exposure in fashion shows, advertisements and from 2001 in films.

Rosemary began to study guitar and songwriting in year 2001 and has since written some 30 songs. Her debut album Dreams Come True was released on 21 February 2006, with Cantonese, Mandarin and English songs all written by Rosemary, and performed by herself on lead vocals and guitar. Her first major hit "I Didn't Know" was inspired by one of her male friends; Rosemary said he was depressed but she had no time to be with him.

In January 2006, Rosemary was invited by fashion manufacturer Suen Yan in mainland China to create her own fashion brand Rosemary, with fashions designed by herself.



2001年起虹萱開始學習吉他和作詞,目前已經有30首作品。她首張專輯《Dreams Come True》於2006年2月21日發行,收錄的全是她自己寫的歌,包括廣東話、國語和英文歌,她還自己做和聲及吉他伴奏。其中的主打歌曲"I Didn't Know",靈感來自一位異性朋友,虹萱說那時他很不開心,但她沒時間陪他。

2006年1月,虹萱被國內著名時裝廠商Suen Yan看中,創立以她名字命名的時裝品”Rosemary”,由她自己任設計師。



2001年起虹萱开始学习吉他和作词,目前已经有30首作品。她首张专辑《Dreams Come True》于2006年2月21日发行,收录的全是她自己写的歌,包括广东话、国语和英文歌,她还自己做和声及吉他伴奏。其中的主打歌曲"I Didn't Know",灵感来自一位异性朋友,虹萱说那时他很不开心,但她没时间陪他。

2006年1月,虹萱被国内著名时装厂商Suen Yan看中,创立以她名字命名的时装品牌”Rosemary”,由她自己任设计师。

Interesting facts about Rosemary Vanderbroucke

Languages Spoken english, cantonese, mandarin
Location Hong Kong
Gender female
English Name Rosemary Vandenbroucke
Traditional Chinese Name 虹萱
Member Since April 30, 2007
Fans 160
Profile Views 346,963


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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
April 30, 2007