從那一秒誕生 來這一秒發生 誰會斗膽說幾多天活著無遺憾 誰未曾被困 誰人未曾怒憤 誰也都可以輕輕的轉身 隨呼吸感覺初次誕生
這是天使的禮物 ? 我們不過是送信的小角色 ?
詞曲 @vickyneverhome 編曲 @sotoc 監製 @mankeungchow
MV @pixelivan
Thank you @appledailyhk ?? 【以歌答謝】經歷很多 Robynn & Kendy互相支持繼續走 #青春終老 http://s.nextmedia.com/realtime/a.php?i=20181004&s=7018882&a=58752986
Singin’ “la-la-la” I got love for this city. Make a choice, rise above the noise
I don’t see this one enough but she is one of my faves! Truly love her voice, her passion, and her determination in life, in fitness, and in her career. This one’s a fighter in every single way, yet she’s an amazingly down-to-earth friend at the same time. Thanks for being so awesome @rose.music ❤️ #劉明湘
Short trip. Thank you Taipei for the breeze, for the kind smiles, for the books, for the music, and for all the worth-it calories ?❤️
J先生照相還是有待改進 LOL還是比KOL好做一點?✌?
今天好無辜跑了10k? 前陣子少練習 可以責怪天氣嗎? 要開始加油了!仰慕這女生的耐力!training with you is always so inspiring and awesome! ☺️??
thanks coach Kaho!
Let it be. Things will eventually fall into place. Waves will eventually calm themselves. .
Thank you for visiting my official artist page! I believe in sharing music, sharing emotions, sharing love, sharing me. =) 我希望能透過音樂,分享心情,分享愛, 分享屬於自己的想法. 謝謝你們來到