Been a long time since I’ve felt this feeling...
Letting go takes courage too. Breathe. And just enjoy the view. We have earned this ticket to our #未來紀念館
This is something I’ve always strongly believed in. I hope that everyone will help and raise awareness for World Autism Awareness Day!
Proud of have had this moment in my #未來紀念館. What is a moment of yours?
忠於自己 默默耕耘 樂在其中 享受風景 Be the best version of yourself, the version you’d want to look back on and be proud of. And that is enough. That is something nobody can take away from you.
讓生活給你靈感 讓靈感給你創意 讓創意給你創舉 讓創舉給你回憶 讓回憶建立我們集體的
今晚九點,將推出 Official Music Video by @welbychung
最近好多MV拍 #HKJC #jockeyclub ???
今日要為未來拍MV了~ Hair by @yemingzi Makeup by @yemingzi Styling by @yemingzi Earrings by @yemingzi #兩張貼紙 Bite by #mosquito #thankssis #lol
Thank you for visiting my official artist page! I believe in sharing music, sharing emotions, sharing love, sharing me. =) 我希望能透過音樂,分享心情,分享愛, 分享屬於自己的想法. 謝謝你們來到