Look out for my official MV with Jian Choo
on December 1st, 2010
This is my first Official MV EVER! it means a lot to me and I hope you'll like it too. This is a song Jian Choo and I co-wrote, and we directed and filmed it together with some friends. Props to Jian for doing all the editing!
Look out for it tomorrow!!!!
Sorry I haven't really been updating everyone with my past gigs since Singapore!! I've actually had a couple since then. Recently, I was invited to play at HK Polytechnic University for Jake Shimabukuro's show, a world renouned ukelele virtuoso from Hawaii! He was SO down to earth and so friendly! I couldn't help but feel a bit star struck, performing alongside him, on my own original song! Pretty amazing how much music can bring completely different people together. =) Thank you alivenotdead's Patrick for getting me in touch. Also saw Heartgrey, who was a fellow Brand New Star finalist! What a small world.
我感動到流淚了。 剛剛跟lupo見了面,聽著監製為自己的歌做的編曲....我感動到流淚了。整個身體都在發抖。 它給我的感覺... 讓我無法形容。讓我覺得,我找到我自己了。 (可能也有點像我的小嬰兒出生的感覺。哈哈!=.=) Anyway. 監製所做的我真的無限感激。 每一個音符, 每一段旋律,每一種樂器他都不兒戲。跟我說原來甚麼牌子的樂器才適合我。 天啊。 哪兒找這種監製啊!? Just came back from meeting with lupo, from listening to the instrumental track that Lupo wrote for my song. I was shaking, and in tears. The feeling it gave me.... well, I can't even describe it. It's like I found the real me. This song was right to my core when I wrote it, and the way is produced was... so perfect. It's like all those emotions that you could possibly contain in a song was there, highlighted perfectly with every single detail. Lupo, I'm speechless. still. I can't stop saying how much I admire you, and how much I thank you for giving me this experience. I can't wait to get this track recorded and make you proud. - - - - - -And for those of you reading this, I have this opportunity because of Brand New Star 2010. Brand New Star 2011 has started! Please spread the word and post your videos. There's literally NOTHING ELSE like this opportunity out there. Quote me on that. (oh and they did not ask me to do this plug. They simply rock.) =) 踴躍參加 Brand New Star 2011 吧!!!
Thank you for visiting my official artist page! I believe in sharing music, sharing emotions, sharing love, sharing me. =) 我希望能透過音樂,分享心情,分享愛, 分享屬於自己的想法. 謝謝你們來到