感恩節快樂! Thankful for realness, and not perfection. 很多人問《我不完美》背後,是否因為嫌棄自己不完美?那怎樣才算完美?覺得自己哪裡不夠完美了? 我發現,其實我們兩個每次回答之前,都暗中嘆氣。不是因為被問太多次、不是因為懶得回答。而是... It's not the point. 其實,我很感恩。我很感恩能透過歌寫出當時的心情,之後那個如釋重負的感覺。我很感恩上天能聽著我祈禱,而完美的祂是一直支持著我。 是信仰讓我相信我自己的不完美、接受自己的不完美、而儘管如此,感恩天邊還有祂和她,無條件的愛著我。
我很感恩一切經歷過的種種、感恩我們有心情的高低起伏、感恩我們能在真實的世界裡找到一片夢幻的天空、在夢幻的世界裡不失真實的自己。我不完美,因為我真實。世界不完美,因為世界真實。and because of that, I love this world that we are in, because there's always room to grow. Happy thanksgiving to you all, I'm so thankful for God's grace, for a healthy dad, and awesome awesome people in my life that love and inspire me everyday. Thank you fans, however close or far away you are, it warms my heart to know that this random girl from YouTube once gave you a new perspective, a new boyfriend/girlfriend, a new musical journey, or simply just a relaxing few minutes away from reality. THANKFUL! :)
Thank you for visiting my official artist page! I believe in sharing music, sharing emotions, sharing love, sharing me. =) 我希望能透過音樂,分享心情,分享愛, 分享屬於自己的想法. 謝謝你們來到