Official Artist
Rob Lok
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I HEART Spencer Douglass

Yes Sir

Yes Ma'am

You read this right.

I've seen the light

I've seen the Apple of my Eye

The Cream of the Crop

The..the...Boo of my Yah..

you know...boo yah....

....boo yah.....uhm

Okay, forget that business..

It all began with the wonderful AnD boat trip last weekend where I met some interesting and colorful characters. A fantastic bunch.

While waiting for the right boat to get on ( it seems there's an ever rotating line of Jaspas Junk Boats waiting for you to board, but you just have to figure out which one) I met this nice quiet guy that happen to board each individual boat, eat the doritos, then promptly gets kicked off because he was on the wrong one.

And this guy?

This guy was Spencer Douglass

We chatted up a bit.  Partied with the AnD crew and had a great time.

Next thing I know?

He invites me and a few others who happen to satellite around him at the time over for a drink at Graze Cafe in Sheung Wan.

So fellow AnD artist/photographer/all around cool guy Chris Lay and I went  two days ago.

An AWESOME place with AWESOME smoothies that happen to have AWESOME alcohol in it.


But it just doesn't stop with the tasty Sausage Roll and Smoothie...

Oh no, to up the ante on the AWESOMENESS, he invites us to take a tour of the

Fluid and the FluidFriction offices upstairs.


Chris and I received a first hand experience how a comic book is created.

Okay, being the huge geek that I am. This was cool, very cool.

Not only did I get to meet the writers and artists of Deva Shard (out now, pick up a copy!)

I got to check out their gym. And in the gym lockers?

Not one

Not three

but TWO custom made

Storm Trooper uniforms..

And right outside? A drink vending machine you could hit like the Fonz and a soda would pop out..

I think I cried a little when I saw all this.

What an excellent place to work in with everything a creative mind needs to keep churning out quality work!

But the AWESOMENESS doesn't stop there!

The next night we attended the HAVE A DRINK ON SPENCER event over at Graze Cafe.

Again Spencer showed how generous and humble he is by introducing us to all his cafe patrons and work colleagues, setting us up with free wine and beer all night, and ANOTHER tour of the Fluid studios!

So, Mr. Douglass, if you're reading this.

Thank you for your time and generosity.

You Rock.

I HEART Spencer Douglass

over 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Rob,hahahaha did he show u that awesome video of how he flew onto that pile of Mats stacked on each other?I love that office too.It was hilarious.
over 16 years ago
i totally love that picture of this girl on the wall near the vending machine.when i get up to Hk in august,i'm going to terrorize that place again!
over 16 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
I'm seriously wanting to live in their office. The brainstorm room is beautiful. May be I can duplicate it exactly, and get a bunch of bean bags to form a bed for myself.
over 16 years ago
Photo 114025
my gosh... I am blushing like a bright red beetroot (matching my hair) thank you for your very kind words Rob, it's been great meeting you and looking forward to coming to all of your theatre shows soon!
over 16 years ago
Photo 23833
damn....i know, we are all jealous of THE OFFICE...
over 16 years ago


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