Sounds like a really drawn out joke that you'll tell your friends after too many Long Island Lines and you have nothing else to say?
Nope, it's actually how we all met that fateful night when Kate mentioned my name onstage at Speak Up.
So with our powers combined, we've created a brand new television show that defies genres and we hope will leave you wanting more.
"A Western Perspective through Eastern Eyes"
We've been working real hard on this for the last three months and we're still going at it.
Our teaser site is up. It needs a little tweaking but we hope that you like it. Please let me know
if you have any problems opening it up or if you have any comments about it.
We're launching our show and brand in November. It's going to be a WILD event! Seriously.
I think I'm proposing Simon to catch a speeding bullet with his teeth on this one.
More details will be posted on the site soon. We just wanted to wet your appetite.
Until then.
Keep it Fresh!
International Purveyors of Comic Visual Action and Ocular Business