As many of you know Euna Lee and Laura Ling were sentenced by the North Korean government on June 8, 2009 to 12 years of hard labor. The two journalists were captured and detained in North Korea on March 17, 2009.
The details of their capture and trial can be read in numerous articles and websites. The purpose of this blog is to ask all of you to join together on July 17th at 8:00pm PST to say in unison a meaningful and heartfelt prayer written by Jaeson Ma especially for this event.
We realize that many of you are already praying for these two brave women and are grateful. We believe a worldwide prayer being said at the same time will bring overwhelming strength and courage to Laura Ling, Euna Lee and their families, and clarity to the North Korean and United States governments to resolve this situation quickly to bring the woman home safely.
So please pass this prayer and the times on to all in your network. Lets have the technological wonder of the internet combine with our faith in GOD, and have this prayer reach across oceans, mountains and deserts to lift and sustain the spirits of Euna and Laura, and give guidance to the North Korean government.
Worldwide Prayer Dates and Times
July 17 @ 8:00 pm
New York
July 17 @ 5:00 pm
July 18 @ 4:00 am
North Korea
July 18 @ 12:00 noon
*Worldwide Prayer*
“Dear Heavenly Father,
We come to you in prayer and faith for our sisters Laura Ling and Euna Lee. Father, we ask you this day to answer our hearts cry that they would be quickly released from North Korean imprisonment and be safely returned home to their family and friends. We believe that You oh God can do a miracle for them through the power of these prayers being said all over the world, at this very moment.
So we pray now in faith, in hope and with love that You would put it upon the hearts of the North Korean government to show mercy to these two journalists Laura and Euna to be released this day from their prison sentence.
Until their release Father please keep our dear sister Laura Ling healthy, healed and whole as she endures her chronic stomach ulcers. Also, please grant comfort, strength, and courage to their family members,their husbands, and Euna’s 4-year-old daughter waiting to see her mommy again.
We declare by faith and we stand in faith that they will be released soon! Lord, please make a way where there is no way. When one door has been shut, we believe You can open another. We hope against hope! God bless Laura Ling and Euna Lee for You love them with an undying love and look forward in faith for their safe return to America.
We pray all this in the precious name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.”
Written by Jaeson Ma
Edited by Diann Kitamura **************************** Twitter