As I embrace change and try to come up to date with this digital age, blogging has become a new routine and addition to my daily grind. I’ve already been deeply encouraged and blessed to receive such support and genuine feedback from friends, subscribers, & frequent visitors. Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of time among industry professionals whether it be shadowing, modeling, assisting, interning, networking, and shooting. It’s more than I can afford, but I’m trying to invest all efforts to try and speed up my learning curve as I learn the ropes and equip myself with knowledge. I have been pretty critical of my work so I can promote only my very best and present quality over quantity, like a pro. With daily goals and eagerness to move forward on innovative projects, I pursue my weeks passionately in order to survive and make my dreams a reality.
That being said, here are some general things I plan to do this summer:
Eat steak. sushi. soft serve ice cream from chick-fil-A.
Physical fitness at least 3 days a week.
Develop more stills/motions.
Insert portfolio worthy images into my exquisite Case Envy.
Submit & Audition to my top 100 agencies.
Purchase an external hard drive.
Print new business cards & possibly zed cards.
Save up for a new LA cap & future dSLR **************************** Twitter