If you're not chasing your dreams and goals, you're just chasing your tail.
I've been thinking, if I was blind and seeking a mate, how would I go about doing it? I would choose by how well we connected mentally and spiritually. Since I couldn't see her, physical attraction would have no bearing. Sure I could touch her to determine her size and shape of her face and features but that's all. I couldn't rely on someone else's opinion of how she looked because their opinion is not what matters in that regard. In the end it would be determined by how well she treats me. That's when I realized that I'm shallow. I didn...Read more
If you think the last recession was bad, wait till the next one. If you haven't protected YOUR wealth with gold, I'll pray for you
Just want to send a super dope shout out to my homie Linnon Stylz. My dude on his way to New York to meet with Roc Nation! DOPE!
Ready for my transition to begin. 1 more month and I'm done with this slave shit.
Cousins ya dig? Didn't realize how much we look alike until now. Ford Family genes strong.
SW was my home and a zone away from war, Now my home is gone it's a war zone, need I say more?
? This is me smiling in the face of adversity.
Inflation is attacking your income. Would you like to know a good way to protect it? Like or comment and I'll show you how.
There is nothing quite like the feeling of being full from good food. I like to eat. How about you? What do you like to eat?
Emcee Extraordinaire, Film/Video and Digital Media specialist. Poet, Novelist and Activist. Not just good, but exceedingly Great.