I've been thinking, if I was blind and seeking a mate, how would I go about doing it? I would choose by how well we connected mentally and spiritually. Since I couldn't see her, physical attraction would have no bearing. Sure I could touch her to determine her size and shape of her face and features but that's all. I couldn't rely on someone else's opinion of how she looked because their opinion is not what matters in that regard. In the end it would be determined by how well she treats me. That's when I realized that I'm shallow. I didn't like how I felt upon this realization. I felt bad that I may have passed up a few good women, women would've have loved eternally because they were not attractive enough for my taste. How dumb is that? That changed my thinking big time.
Emcee Extraordinaire, Film/Video and Digital Media specialist. Poet, Novelist and Activist. Not just good, but exceedingly Great.